
  • configure jupyter book

  • _config.yml location: {book_dir}/_config.yml

book setting

  • 책 제목, 저자 및 로고 설정 부분

# Book settings
title                       : My Jupyter Book  # The title of the book. Will be placed in the left navbar.
author                      : The Jupyter Book community  # The author of the book
copyright                   : "2022"  # Copyright year to be placed in the footer
logo                        : ""  # A path to the book logo
# Patterns to skip when building the book. Can be glob-style (e.g. "*skip.ipynb")
exclude_patterns            : [_build, Thumbs.db, .DS_Store, "**.ipynb_checkpoints"]
# Auto-exclude files not in the toc
only_build_toc_files        : false

notebooks execution 설정

  • jupyter notebook cache control

  • 옵션: auto, force, cache, inline, off

# Execution settings
  execute_notebooks         : auto  # Whether to execute notebooks at build time. Must be one of ("auto", "force", "cache", "off")
  cache                     : ""    # A path to the jupyter cache that will be used to store execution artifacts. Defaults to `_build/.jupyter_cache/`
  exclude_patterns          : []    # A list of patterns to *skip* in execution (e.g. a notebook that takes a really long time)
  timeout                   : 30    # The maximum time (in seconds) each notebook cell is allowed to run.
  run_in_temp               : false # If `True`, then a temporary directory will be created and used as the command working directory (cwd),
                                    # otherwise the notebook's parent directory will be the cwd.
  allow_errors              : false # If `False`, when a code cell raises an error the execution is stopped, otherwise all cells are always run.
  stderr_output             : show  # One of 'show', 'remove', 'remove-warn', 'warn', 'error', 'severe'

latex output file

  • PDF 출력 시

# LaTeX-specific settings
  latex_engine              : pdflatex  # one of 'pdflatex', 'xelatex' (recommended for unicode), 'luatex', 'platex', 'uplatex'
  use_jupyterbook_latex     : true # use sphinx-jupyterbook-latex for pdf builds as default

parse and render setting

# Parse and render settings
  myst_enable_extensions:  # default extensions to enable in the myst parser. See
    # - amsmath
    - colon_fence
    # - deflist
    - dollarmath
    # - html_admonition
    # - html_image
    - linkify
    # - replacements
    # - smartquotes
    - substitution
    - tasklist
  myst_url_schemes: [mailto, http, https] # URI schemes that will be recognised as external URLs in Markdown links
  myst_dmath_double_inline: true  # Allow display math ($$) within an inline context

html-specific settings

# HTML-specific settings
  favicon                   : ""  # A path to a favicon image
  use_edit_page_button      : false  # Whether to add an "edit this page" button to pages. If `true`, repository information in repository: must be filled in
  use_repository_button     : false  # Whether to add a link to your repository button
  use_issues_button         : false  # Whether to add an "open an issue" button
  use_multitoc_numbering    : true   # Continuous numbering across parts/chapters
  extra_footer              : ""  # Will be displayed underneath the footer.
  google_analytics_id       : ""  # A GA id that can be used to track book views.
  home_page_in_navbar       : true  # Whether to include your home page in the left Navigation Bar
  baseurl                   : ""  # The base URL where your book will be hosted. Used for creating image previews and social links. e.g.:

    hypothesis              : false
    utterances              : false
  announcement              : "" # A banner announcement at the top of the site.

launch button settings

# Launch button settings
  notebook_interface        : classic  # The interface interactive links will activate ["classic", "jupyterlab"]
  binderhub_url             : ""  # The URL of the BinderHub (e.g.,
  jupyterhub_url            : ""  # The URL of the JupyterHub (e.g.,
  thebe                     : false  # Add a thebe button to pages (requires the repository to run on Binder)
  colab_url                 : "" # The URL of Google Colab (

  url                       :  # The URL to your book's repository
  path_to_book              : ""  # A path to your book's folder, relative to the repository root.
  branch                    : master  # Which branch of the repository should be used when creating links

advanced and power-user settings

  • jupyter book은 sphinx 엔진을 기반으로 개발되어 있으며

  • sphinx 기능을 활용하기 위한 것으로 아래는 sphinx_rtd_theme을 사용하기 위한 것임

  extra_extensions          :   # A list of extra extensions to load by Sphinx (added to those already used by JB).
  local_extensions          :   # A list of local extensions to load by sphinx specified by "name: path" items
  recursive_update          : false # A boolean indicating whether to overwrite the Sphinx config (true) or recursively update (false)
  config                    :   # key-value pairs to directly over-ride the Sphinx configuration